英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 19:58:29
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1. Visitors can start a snow battle or try to make a snowman with real snow.

make a snowman

1. I can make a snowman in winter.

2. We can make a snowman in winter.

3. I want to make a snowman.

4. I think I'll make a snowman instead.

5. I decided to make a snowman with my mother.

6. After it had stopped snowing, 2, I and my friends make a snowman.

7. make a snowman

7. Since my times of college, every winter I can not see the white snow in Guangzhou, so, I always get yearning with the weather of winter. in the snow days, we have a snowball fight, make snowman, toast around the fire place.

8. Seven or eight of them are trying to make a snowman.

9. make a snowman的反义词

9. In the winter, we can play with snow, make a snowman, go ice—skating, and do some things.

10. The white word is really beautiful. in park, the children are play with snow and make a snowman.

11. make a snowman

11. Play with snowballs make a snowman ride on a sledge wear a fur coat.

12. They are so white and so pure…When the whole ground is covered with snow and all things put on snow clothes, We go out of the room to ski, make a snowman or make snowballs and throw them…It is the happy time for us in winter.

13. Hooray! It " s snowing! It " s time to make a snowman.

14. It's snowy. Let's make a snowman.

15. I wish I can make a snowman in winter.

16. make a snowman什么意思

16. Because I like to play in the snow and make a snowman.

17. A: And we can make a snowman out of the snow.

18. make a snowman的翻译

18. Jacob and his brother make a snowman and wrap it in a scrap of cloth they find.

19. Let's make a face on the snowman.

20. make a snowman

20. We can make a snowman and throw snowballs.

It's winter. We can make a snowman.(冬天到了。我们可以堆雪人。)
Certainly! Shall we make a snowman?(当然!我们堆雪人好吗?)
We can make a snowman and throw snowballs.(我们可以堆雪人也可以打雪仗。)
Winter, snow, the children make a snowman, snowball fights.(冬天,白雪皑皑,孩子们都在堆雪人、打雪仗。)
We can make a snowman in winter.(在冬天我们可以堆雪人。)
Can you make a snowman?(你会做雪人吗?)
It's snowy. I can make a snowman.(下雪了,我可以堆雪人。)
Let's make a snowman.(让我们堆雪人。)
Hooray! It "s snowing! It" s time to make a snowman.(噢噢哦!下雪了!是时候堆个雪人了。)
Make a snowman. To be my friend.(堆一个雪人,做我的朋友。)
make a snowman是什么意思 make a snowman在线翻译 make a snowman什么意思 make a snowman的意思 make a snowman的翻译 make a snowman的解释 make a snowman的发音 make a snowman的同义词